The clock reads 12:34. I have been noticing this strange number combination for years. It seems to have some significance. I have read where others have noticed synchronises with the time 11:11 but, I have not made much of a connection with that time. The number for me is 12:34.
Steve Pavlina recently posted some interesting information about his connection to 11:11 so I decided to look more into my connection with 12:34.
I have been studying spiritual prosperity recently and I noticed that Luke 12:34 is “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
This fits with what I have been learning.
Steve gives some tips on how to use the magic numbers to help get insights into your subconscious. I plan to start looking into how the number 12:34 shows up and pay attention to what I am thinking in that moment.
I often wake up in the night an notice that the clock reads 12:34. I will also have to start paying attention to what I was dreaming about when I wake up at this time.
If you also have a match with 12:34, please comment.
Update: More on 12:34 and also some thoughts on 11:11 in this post: 11:11