What type of College Classes should I take?

Thinking about going to college or returning after a period of time? With most colleges you have some options when it comes to taking classes.

Traditional classes are by far the most inexpensive tuition wise. You have the opportunity to interact with other students and professors when you take on campus courses. So, if you have any questions, need study buddies, tutoring or have to work on group projects this is the best way to go. Also, if you know you have struggles in certain subject areas it is best to take courses on campus.

Video classes can be an inexpensive option though check with your college to verify that they do offer video classes and what they charge for tuition. Typically you will go to the college library and check a video out for a specific period of time to watch on your own. Some libraries may still have VHS tapes but most have converted to DVD.

Evening classes are usually the same tuition wise as a traditional day class. If you are one who is busy during the day taking an evening class can be ideal. All the evening classes I have taken usually do not go the length of  the time schedule. Most professors have been on campus all day and want to go home just as much as the students do. They may set a schedule where they will always end classes an hour or half an hour earlier. I personally have been in classes that were supposed to last three hours and get out within an hour to hour and a half after it started.

Accelerated classes / Mini-mester classes may cost the same as a regular class on campus they just last a shorter period of time aimed towards students who are in need of specific courses, usually the popularly taken ones. These classes are usually Monday through Friday for a few hours for approximately half of the time a regular semester class lasts. For example, every year the local community college where I live offers Spanish I & II classes in the Spring in what they call a “mini-mester.” The classes last two weeks each and are very intense. It is geared towards those who need to take Spanish as part of their education requirements.  This Fall there were about a dozen of the most commonly taken courses offered at an accelerated period, 10 weeks instead of 15. The courses end quicker so people who are on time constraints can complete required/needed classes towards graduation.

These type of classes should be only taken by those who know they can handle intense situations. The courses are more concentrated which means more study time in a shorter period of time. It is best if this is the only course taken, possibly another regular course if one can handle it.

Online classes are the most flexible, however, they are by far the costliest. Majority of the course is online with the exception of mid terms and finals that have to be taken at a nearby campus testing center. Now, some colleges that offer online courses may or may not give tests. College courses may give tests or quizzes online between the more important ones.


A student needs to recognizes their weaknesses and strengths when it comes to studying, completing assignments and whether they like to interact with other students. I have met some people who don’t do well in crowds or socializing with people so I have encouraged them to consider online classes instead. I do tell people considering online classes that they really need to be self disciplined as most of the work, studying, reading is done on your own. There are plenty of ways a person can attend college. It is just up to them to know the pros and cons of the various opportunities that lay in front of them.