Jeep XJ HVAC controls revisited

Replacing a Vacuum Check valve in the HVAC system

Even after repairing the main vacuum line in my HVAC controls I still had the problem that under prolonged acceleration, the vents would loose vacuum and switch to the Defrost setting. This problem is often caused when someone deletes the vacuum bottle behind the front bumper. However, my bottle is still in place behind the stock bumper.

I studied the vacuum diagram and saw there is a check valve where the source connects to the intake manifold. I tested mine by blowing through it. I could easily blow both ways so the check valve is bad.

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TPMS light on my F250

Replacing a TPMS sensor on a 2009 F250

When I bought my F250 the TPMS light was on.  However, when I got it home and filled the tires to correct pressure the light went away.

But after about a month it was back on again.  I checked all the tires and they were the correct pressure.  I looked in the glovebox for the TPMS relearn tool, but it was not included in the stuff left behind.

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