The clock reads 12:34. I have been noticing this strange number combination for years. It seems to have some significance. I have read where others have noticed synchronises with the time 11:11 but, I have not made much of a connection with that time. The number for me is 12:34.
Steve Pavlina recently posted some interesting information about his connection to 11:11 so I decided to look more into my connection with 12:34.
I have been studying spiritual prosperity recently and I noticed that Luke 12:34 is “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
This fits with what I have been learning.
Steve gives some tips on how to use the magic numbers to help get insights into your subconscious. I plan to start looking into how the number 12:34 shows up and pay attention to what I am thinking in that moment.
I often wake up in the night an notice that the clock reads 12:34. I will also have to start paying attention to what I was dreaming about when I wake up at this time.
If you also have a match with 12:34, please comment.
Update: More on 12:34 and also some thoughts on 11:11 in this post: 11:11
I never realized how many poeple thought this was so siginficant or that it happend to many others at that matter. I have been seeing 12:34 ever since my daughter was born at 12:34. And just recently after and before my dad passed away I started to see 11:11 as well. I think I avoided looking into it but I always seem to see it when “something” is going on. It’s hard for me to explain. But I want to know more about this. Also, when I first starting reading these posts….I looked down at the clock and it read 11:11…. I really dont think these things are coincidences. im not sure it could be a bad thing or if maybe it really is only more frequent when big change is going to happen but I sure would like some insightful answers.
I experience the same thing, the time will show 12:34 it makes me un easy when I see it and something wrong or don’t go right in that day. This happens everytime.
I’ve been a paramedic for 30+ years. 12-34 is the police code for crazy/mental person. Whenever I see 12:34 on the clock (I’ve done this for years), I give myself “permission” to have a little down time – to not be normal.
I’ve never actually done anything crazy, as long as you don’t count the psychopath I let move in with me back in the 80s, but other than that – it’s just a moment of relaxation.
I’m off to read the post on 11:11 now, as that’s the time I chose to start our worship experience in our church plant – about 8 years ago.
Are you lot serious??
I too see 12:34 alot…it seems that it is 12:34 whenever I look at the clock.
BUT….it’s not because it has any spiritual/historical/otherworldly significance…it’s because it possesses the numbers 1,2,3,4 in sequence.
At any other time I might look at the clock, and notice for instance that it might be 11:56 or 16:32 or 18:06 I don’t see a significance, or remember the occassion for which I looked at the clock because there is nothing significant to me about those numbers.
Suppose the time 14:40 were significant to me because I was born at that time. I might start recognising that time when I saw it on a clock…then I might start seeing it other places…for instance, I get the 144 bus every morning and I realise that at one stage I lived at number 14 and at another Ilived at 40! OMG it must be something spiritual.
It’s just because out of the hundreds and maybe thousands of number combinations I see in a week, those stand out to me because I ‘see’ something in them.
I said damn where my roof just go, top slipped off like janet at the super bowl.
So for the past five months or so, I’ve also been noticing this number (12:34). I’ve told my dad about it before and I just told him today that it’s still happening. I’m trying to find an answer to it. And why my eye is always draw to the clock at 12:34. Sometimes I’ll miss it by a minute (12:35) and if the clock read 12:33, I’ll purposely walk away from it because I don’t know what it means exactly. Today I prayed about it. And if this is something that is truly from the Father, I’m confident that He’ll show me really soon. I’m a little freaked out, but I’m not afraid anymore 🙂
I can’t even remember the first time I noticed the 12:34 phenomen, but it has been well over 10 years and may be closer to 20 years and counting. The fascinating part of it to me is that I am not a clock watcher by nature, but there is no way for me to even begin to calculate the many times I’ve glanced at a clock, only to see the sequential combination. I’ve done the Biblical search as others have mentioned here, but decided to do an internet search looking for a possible correlation with some rare, future cosmic occurence. In the final analysis it may well be coincidence and nothing more, but with each ‘time’ it happens my curiousity grows.
WOW, I have seen 12:34 for years, but after the death of my son, just a few months ago, it stopped. My sister has seen 11:11 for years as well, I wonder what star sign everyone is? I am saggitarius, born 12/12/79. I always have the feeling of being on the right path when I see this number, but since my sons death I have not seen the number and lifes path has become very difficult with lots of challenges. After looking this up, I wonder if the two are connected? A very strange phenomenon indeed!
I just mentioned to my wife last night that no matter what’s going on through the day, I always end up seeing 12:34 both times everyday… Last night I was asleep and my dog woke me up wanting water. I walked into the kitchen and gave him some water. I leaned against the counter top and looked at the time and it was 12:34! Today, I was in the bathroom getting ready to get a shower… I asked my wife to bring in my phone so that I could listen to music… When I turned it on, it read 12:34! Today I turned (23) at (1):(4)0! I decided that this isn’t just an accident! I got online and found this blog… I had to comment! I’m going to search this out!
Count me among those intrigued by seeing 12:34, mostly I catch that time just past midnight and have wondered for quite some time if it does bear significance.
Google showed me a link to a neat Bible verse [Matthew, 12.34: You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.], but apart from that its going to be like stabbing at shadows to make any sense of this kind of stuff.
I started seeing 12:34 twice a day, every day and waking up in the middle of the night at the time nightly about 9 years ago. I was going through a divorce and a mess. I had a friend lend me Conversations with God. Prior to picking up the book I had no faith that God existed. My life was a mess and had been for years and years and years……So I started to wonder if there was some validity to the book. That’s when the 12:34 started and I couldn’t ignore it and it WAS unnerving. One night i was in front of my computer and I decided to Google it. I knew with every fiber of my being it was going to pull up something relating to God being real…..and that is what I found when the result came through. A story about someone going through the exact same process. And that was a game changer. Life isn’t easy but it’s definitely good when you learn that not only is God real but God is YOU. <3
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I have seen 12:34 for the past I want to say 5 years now and at least once a day if not twice. I feel like this should mean something but I cant figure it out. My cell phone numbers also add up to 34 which I never realized until reading this. Wish I could figure this out. But you are not alone. Even though I thought I was apparently I am not either.
I’m glad to hear that I am not alone. I glance at the clock and there it is, 12:34. This weird occurence has been going on for over twelve years. It started randomly waking up to 12:34 am. Then it changed to 12:34pm to see how much time of the work day I had. I understand it has a sequence, but I have said to friends and family if they had a certain time that stuck out randomly. They all thought I was strange. I wonder what the signifance of it is to me.
I just randomly look at the clock and it says 12:34. There has got to be something more to it than just coincidence. I am drawn to see it at least once a day. I have no idea what it’s supposed to mean but I know it means something.
I have been seeing this for years…I have been researching it for the past 10 years……An answer was giving to me by the Creators themselves….12:34 symbolizes the begining…..All who see 12:34 and get that eerie feeling inside are special…..During the times to come, it will be a lot of Death and Greed….2012 is as real as it gets……I seen, I know, Don’t be afraid just let all Go…….As our new world merges our minds will have ascended to something mere mortals can’t even fathom… This is all related: 2012, 12:34, the 13 skulls…math is key….2012=5, 12:34=10, 13=4….5+10+4=19.. Mayans numetric table:1= The Begining, 9=The End
My weird thing is that I seem to look at the clock and it will be 12:34 or 1:23 or 3:45….it seems that this happens a lot when I am stressed out. Lately it has happened so much that it has become a game with the kids…strange, I wish I knew what it meant.
Hi Mike. Yes my name is Mike Trowbridge. Kinda weird! I just did a google search on 12:34 because I have been seeing this number for the better part of a year, constantly. Your blog showed up under my search. When I saw your name and realized your blog was about the same thing I was kind of freaked out. I normally don’t comment on blogs, but this is too weird for me not too. I don’t yet know how 12:34 falls into my life, or if it does at all, but I would like to talk with you via email or through the blog. Maybe we’re supposed to know each other? Thanks.
The last 3 nights this candle has fallen off of my tv stand right in front of me. Nothing knocked it over, no wind, no fan, nothing. I don’t get it I’m freaked the f outtttt then when it happened last night (well actually this morning) I turned on all the lights and went in the kitchen and the clock was on 12:34 so wtf?
Hi, Im a female from Newark NJ, and Ive been seeing 12:34 for over fiftteen yrs…It started when I was a very young girl…I use to sneak out the house. I would always come back in at this time.. My first reaction to it was simple I noticed that it elevation in each digit. This one particular night when I noticed it…I remember the exact date it was July 2, 1995, it seem as if it lasted on the clock for like 5mins…It was the weirdest thing…I felt like it choose it was a calling…After that very night I started to see it all the time…I was in a rap group..we would write about it in our music..It began to spread amongst my family and friends…I know that Im not a normal person..I have the gift of “Seeing”,I dream about things that come true and I hear voices. Im a very spiritual person, not a devil worshipper. I use 12:34 as a positive thing.. For example there is no other time on the clock that elevates in for digits…Its the highest of all. So for me it represent the higher power..God. Whatever ur God may be..12:34 is a consistant reminder of elevation.I choose to build off this in a positive way..It feels good to know there are others out there.
i have seen 12:34 almost daily since my brother passed away. I came across a site 11:11 angels, where it mentions spirits or angels that signal you at certain times that triggers you to think of a certain person as a reminder. I find it very fitting as every time I see that time, I always
think of him. it was a time I noticed a few times while at the hospital with him
Most of the posting I have read about 12:34 are time related . In the past year I too have notice this. Recently I have notice it in a different format. When I fill up my truck, I reset the trip meter. I drive to another state to buy lottery tickets. Merging on to the freeway going home, I looked out the side mirror. I than check my speed, I noticed the trip meter….123.4 miles. OK. I’m on my computer, I need to move a 5GB (gigabyte) folder. When I Cut and Paste the folder Windows7 displays some information like size and speed of the transfer, also the number of items in the folder…..1,234 items. Chew on that.
“Is it alright to put part of this in my personal blog if I publish a reference point to this webpage”
For the past few months I’ve been seeing 12:34 on the clock. It’s freaking me out. So I’ve been doing research.
I also have been seeing the 12:34 time randomly for probably 2 years. Mostly it is during the day on my cell phone but I’ve often wondered before why I was seeing it so often. I noticed most of these post are old but I finally decided to to look it up tonight.
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It is Ok with me to quote me as long as you give credit. Thanks.
Wow, I’m not the only one seeing 12:34 eh?! I understand the one guys comment about noticing it because it falls in sequence, which is very possible, but I hardly look at the clock overall so it’s just weird to me!
What are the chances that I am diagnosed as being “crazy” won’t tell you my actual diagnosis but since the early 2000’s I’ve always noticed 12:34 whether noon or night….Wow definitely believe there’s more to this than I first thought. Is 12-34 really the police code for mental person?
10-96 is the ten code for a mental patient.